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  • 爱心慰问敬老院 传递温暖显真情——姚博文运达杏树养老院爱心活动
    2022-07-14     浏览量:345

    Condolences to the nursing home to convey warmth show true feelings

    ——Bowen Yao participated public welfare activities in Yunda Xingshu charity nursing home


    Have a public welfare heart, Yunda is a pioneer!As a local enterprise in Dalian, Yunda Group knows that it is an enterprise's social responsibility to actively contribute to its hometown,in the construction of high-quality real estate while actively engaged in social public welfare undertakings.As the son of the chairman of Yunda Group, Bowen Yao has been paying attention to and making his own contribution to charity and public welfare.


    On June 23, 2021, Bowen Yao organized volunteers to hold a welfare activity in Yunda Xingshu charity nursing home,He donated materials for the aged, expressed concern for the elderly, served as a canteen volunteer, and cleaned the environment of the nursing home......a series of heart-warming actions, bringing the most sincere care for the elderly in early summer, which fully reflected Bowen Yao's humanistic feelings of respecting the elderly as well as his sense of social responsibility.


    运达杏树慈善养老院,是运达基金捐助800万元在大连杏树街道捐建的一所养老院,养老院依山而居,阳光充足,空气清新,占地面积12000㎡,建筑面积近3000㎡,最高可容纳100位老人同时入住。同时,为了给入住的老人提供舒适便捷的生活,养老院还设了老人健身房、理疗室、休息室、活动室、食堂、洗浴中心等,是一所真正意义上的高标准养老院,各项功能设施和配套十分完善,极大的Yunda Fund donated 8 million yuan to build Yunda Xingshu charity nursing home, in Xingshu Street, Dalian, the charity nursing home is located near the mountain, sunny, fresh air, covers an area of 12,000 square meters, building area of nearly 3,000 square meters, can accommodate 100 elderly people at the same time. Even better, in order to provide comfort and convenience of the elderly life, still have the the elderly gym, physical therapy room, lounge, function room, dining room, bath center, etc., is a real sense of high level nursing home, the function of form a complete set of facilities and very perfect, greatly improve the local lonely elderly pension problem.


    Since it was put into use in 2011, the nursing home has accepted hundreds of elderly people to move into. Yunda Group has also enhanced the quality of life of the elderly, including food, accommodation and entertainment, with solid service and management, make the elderly has happy old age . As Bowen Yao said, "Yunda Group, as a Dalian enterprise, and I, as a young man in the new era, should take up our social responsibilities, give back to our hometown, benefit our hometown, and be grateful for the fertile land the land where we grew up. This is exactly the original intention of setting up Yunda Charity Fund. 


    In this charity event,  Bowen Yao organized volunteers to donate and distribute wheelchairs, washing machines, food and other supplies to the elderly.And face-to-face communication with the elderly friendly, cared about the elderly's life and health, explained the function of the wheelchair for elderly , and teached them how to safely use the wheelchair, Provide convenience for some elderly with limited mobility. Among them, there were some elderly who expressed how wonderful life is here, and they were very grateful to Yunda Group and Bowen Yao for their kindness.



    It's time for lunch,  Bowen Yao as the canteen volunteer actively, for every old people distributing food, and carefully check the menu of the nursing home, he very concerned about food health, and decided to donate more supplies and food , has always been committed to improve the quality of life of the elderly in the nursing home, He sincerely hopes that the elderly in his hometown will be provided for and supported.


    In the afternoon, Bowen Yao led the volunteers to carry out various volunteer services, and the simple and clean courtyard showed a picture of love.Cleaned up the environment, accompanied the elderly......The manner of the volunteers were earnest and persistent, and they warmed the hearts of the elderly with practical actions.



    This is not the first time for Bowen Yao to launch a charity event. Over the years, he has been keen on public welfare and actively fulfilling his social responsibilities. In the past, every Spring Festival and other traditional Chinese festivals, Bowen Yao would organize volunteers to carry out a variety of charity event. Under his influence and guidance, the volunteers were deeply touched and became positive, and more and more people actively participated in public welfare undertakings. Bowen Yao said that in the future, he will use his love, sincerity and perseverance to organize more public welfare activities and integrate love into the hearts of more people. He also believes that he has the ability, potential and perseverance to do better in this public welfare undertakings!


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